Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Political Memo: My Rep. RepublicanDemocrat Ben Chandler Voted Against Health Care For Americans

Took a few days but I'm back. I wanted to through up this comment on my worthless Dem Rep Ben(go along with Republicans to get along) Chandler before another daily job search.
Not surprising, "Gentle" Ben Chandler(RD, KY) continues to burn up suckitude at an amazing rate. When Chandler was first elected, like many Democrats I had pretty high hopes and expectations for the guy. Wow, that silliness has been dashed a few times since.
His latest vote Saturday throws any hopes for him out the window. It riled me up so much I'd like to have slapped him with a Rude Pundit style rant, but I decided I'd be more polite. Ben doesn't listen to lowly Democratic Bloggers anyway. He's probably talking with an insurance lobbyist as we speak. Or counting his wife's new guv'ment job money.
I've tried to get some idea of Ben's position on National Health care for Americans, with little luck, and now I see why. He apparently stands behind Senator "Mo' Money" Mitch McConnell(etal) in his positions.
"On Saturday night, the House made history by narrowly passing the big health care reform bill—but
Representative Ben Chandler voted no.
And to make matters worse, he also helped pass an ugly amendment to the bill restricting a woman's right to choose. In other words, he made the bill worse, then voted against it anyway."

Not only did Blue Dog Ben vote against the health care bill in the House Saturday but he voted FOR the odious StupidStupak-Pitts Amendment.
It's to bad Ben won't talk to DFH Bloggers or Progressives maybe they could explain to him how in the next upcoming election in which he'll be running against a REAL Republican and not a DNC wannabe, those Progressives and moderate Democrats may stay home in droves(I will). Buh-Bye Ben...

Call Blue Dog Ben and let him know what you think about his marriage with insurance companies, Republicans and teabaggers over a decent health plan for all Americans(Be nice!):
Representative Ben Chandler
Phone: 202-225-4706


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