Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Stimulus Bill - What He Said

I could go on and on about how every time I saw a Republican(Mitch McConnell=Anal Retentive Dick) on my tv this morning they were going on about how they wanted to do it their way to "help the American people even more", and other lying-ass bull. I could tell how I'd talk back to them saying things like, "yeah like the magic you maroons have accomplished in the last eight years dumbass"! Look how well they've done. Think of the year 2000 and think of today, anything better?
You have to remember the Republican politicians wants this to fail, Mitch "mo'money" McConnell wants this to fail

I think the best way to say this is to just let Atrios say it:

"I am just shocked to discover that Republicans will vote against the bill which has been made shittier to please them".


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