Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Vaporizer | Now You're Toking! Aaah..I Mean, Talking!

Mmmm....sounds gourmet to me...:

How Rich People Smoke Pot

"The Volcano Vaporizer has become a coveted status symbol for posh pot smokers, who say it draws out the drug's aroma like "the bouquet of a wine," and their personal trainers insist on it.

As the executive director of NORML, the leading lobbying organization for pot smokers’ rights, Allen St. Pierre gets asked a lot of strange questions. But the one he’s been getting lately is, “What is that metal thing they use on Weeds?”

The answer is the
Volcano Vaporizer, a smokeless inhalation device that has recently shown up on both the Showtime series and HBO’s Bored to Death, in which a sexy stoner played by Jenny Slate lures Jason Schwartzman into her bedroom to test one out. (“Just squeeze down on that nipple and suck in the vapors,” she coaches him.) It’s even used at the renowned Chicago restaurant Alinea, albeit unconventionally, to pipe aromas of nutmeg and coffee to diners as they eat dessert."
Paul Schrodt

This is probably how a lot of the wealthy people who keep voting & lobbying to keep pot illegal are toking it these days. Oh, and Wall Street bankers!


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