Sunday, July 12, 2009

Monday | Sonia Sotomayor Hearings Day?

The hearings for Sotomayor start tomorrow. Got your popcorn and drinks?

She should do great.
We're going to the local lake(Herrington) Tuesday for the fishing(me), and some much needed RandR. Won't be back till Friday. The Wife has to job/work tomorrow so getting everything ready will be pretty much up to me.
I'll try to get some of the hearing highlights tomorrow night on cable(Cough-MSNBC-Cough), and some early results on the Net. Come Tuesday where we're going doesn't have Internet access, or even a tv so I'm resigned to no Blogging and little news till at least Friday night.
Doesn't look like Ms. Sotomayor will have to much problem unless something else comes up.
Racist Jeff Sessions and GOP crew are basically screeching that Sotomayor's a leftwing crazy, and here I'm very worried that she'll be ruling to the right of Souter. It's a mad world.


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