Sunday, September 28, 2008

Paper Endorses Democrat For President For First Time In 72 Years!

You know I started reading this article and thinking - "Wow, this is some great news for Obama"! To get the endorsement of The Record, a newspaper that hadn't endorsed a Democrat for President since Roosevelt. So I started reading some of their endorsements, here's for Bush in 2004 for example:

"Voters should re-elect Bush for four more years, in part because of his leadership under fire and in part because he recognizes that greatly expanding government's role isn't the answer to every problem."

So anyways, I only make it as far back as their endorsement of Dole over Clinton in 1996. That's when I realized, that, well..that these people have been idiots for a VERY LONG TIME. It's good that they picked Obama but then I have to feel sorry for them for 72 years of kneejerk Republicanism.


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