Friday, September 26, 2008

The First Debate! What's It Going To Be?

I'd Love to be able to follow the debate on the web and in comments like normal Bloggers. Unfortunately I have a wife stressing out over online classes, a teenage daughter who just broke up with boyfriend, four wild and crazy dogs, pain killing druggies for my shingles(sob!), etc, etc.

I hope Obama is in top form and doesn't make ANY(!) mistakes that can(and will) be amplified by the GOP and "News" Media. McCain already has that, "I Won!" poster so he'll already be fighting an uphill battle at the start.

I haven't watched any of the pundit and news shows and I never do. That's what Mediamatters and TPM and others are good for. They have the stomach for it and get paid for it. Me, I'll just wait and watch. Game on Barack! Do us Proud! I'm starting the popcorn in about 15m.
Here we go....

Update(11:00pm): Here's my quick reaction after watching most of the debate(I was also helping my wife with some school work). Unfortunately I have to give the overall debate to McCain.
Obama seemed to spend most of his time dealing with minutiae, defending himself from McCain, and being the classic "let's not talk to badly about the other guy" Democrat. He must have praised McCain 2-3 times that I saw. McCain? He spent his time with platitudes, distortions and attacks on Obama. Every time it was McCain's turn he'd spout off three or four attacks on Obama. Whereupon Obama would spend his time defending himself(ever so politely of course). McCain's turn again, three or four more attacks on Obama. All evening. It got to the point that I started saying out loud(to the annoyance of my wife) things like, "stop rambling Barack and finish so Johnie can attack you again!".
If Barack Obama let's this guy do this EVERY debate he's screwed, and we're screwed. This country has gone through some of the worse times in it's history in many, many ways, and who was in charge for nearly all that time? George W. Bush, John McSame and the rest of the Republicans. While Barack Obama(IMO) just let old Grandpa Simpson Republican kick his ass in this debate. I'd like for Barack Obama to get angry and emotional(in a rational way) at LEAST once in these debates and tell this old Republican fart how depicable it is what he and bloody dubya have done to our country over the last eight years.
I'm ah-feared the rest will be as bad as this one - McCain on the attack, Obama on rambling defense.
It turned out about as I had feared it might.
No one'll tell me here so I'm going to look around to see what reactions others had to this one.
I dread looking.
All for now.

Up-Update(11:40pm) From the sites I've been scanning to this point, I'm EXTREMELY happy to report that I was(again) wrong and a consensus seems to be building that Obama did fairly well, and even crushed McCain in Independent voter polling! Wow!


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