Tuesday, June 26, 2007

America- Are We First in Prisons Yet?

That "Bong Hits For Jesus" kid better be glad they didn't lock him away. Next time they will. Nothin' makes a good dictatorship like a humming prison system, and look it's exportable. Damn Iraqis shoulda known to give dubya/halliburton their oil and keep their mouths shut.

If You Can't Export Democracy, Try Prisons!

..Although America’s attempt to export its version of democracy to Iraq has been a resounding failure, it has found more success at introducing to the region one of its world-renowned skills: building (and filling) prisons.
In 2006, as the U.S. State Department completed its $20 billion “reconstruction” program in Iraq, the only new rebuilding money requested was for prisons. State Department Iraq coordinator James Jeffrey asked Congress for $100 million for the sole significant building project --- prison construction (or, in the administration’s bureaucratic-speak, for “additional bed capacity for the Iraqi legal system”). This year, the United States has sought expansion of its prisons as its “security” operations around Baghdad have increased..

From DMIBlog via The Agonist.

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