Friday, January 22, 2010

The Kennedy Seat; Talking Heads Redux

If I could only get the pundits in one room.

While I'm here and not looking for a job:
Regarding Ted Kennedy's old seat and the chattering about how it was lost due to teh eviiil health care bill.
It's because the Democrat running was a corporate bought and paid for shill that thought she could saunter into the office. The election perfectly reflected people's simmering anger over the economy and continued lack of jobs. People see bailed-out bankers getting fat bonuses while they personally can't find a job. That includes ME. I'm a Liberal Democrat and I'm mad as hell.
As someone astute once said: "It's the economy stupid"
Does anyone know why Ted Kennedy's widow didn't run? I thought she was far nicer than the "I won't stoop to shaking hands" Democratic candidate, and would have beat Mister Cosmo centerfold easily.


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