Friday, October 24, 2008

McCain Campaign Official | "An Epidemic of Incontinence"

Hi travelers...I'm finally back.
It's been a decidedly bad day for the McCain campaign and for the Republican brand in general. I did something tonight that I haven't done in a long time. I sat and watched the "news" and a long night of the "talking heads" tv. It was NBC News, MSNBC and the comedy Channel and not FOX OR CNN. I'm drowsy and recuperating not a Democratic masochist.
Nope, NOT a good day for the Bush/McCain/Palin brand Republicans.
Where to begin the list?
Sarah and "First dude" testify under oath about Troopergate

McCain's brother call's 9-11 over a traffic jam and say's "F*ck you" to the operator

The McCain campaign worker admits to making up the whole story about being robbed, attacked, fondled and face-carved by a large, black obama supporter

The FOX News head who said if that story proved to be a "hoax" it would be the end of the McCain campaign

We find out that Palin's make-up artist made $22,500.00 in 2 weeks

Sarah Palin ridiculed scientific(fruit fry) research, such research has proven to be critical in the study of autism

More major National Republicans give their support to Obama

And more..

Now THAT'S change we can believe in my friends...!!

The sweet thing about all this is the arrogance of these guys back when they had a lock on the Federal government. Like Enron and now the Banking Industry there was no thought that it would end. Just a few short years ago they were certain that they and DUH-bya were creating a Republican empire to last for generations

A lot can happen in a short week(attack on Iran?), but tonight I'm celebrating the gloom and despair of the neo-con machine right now. They're like the Keystone Cops(OLD reference) right now and hopefully they'll stay that way.
Heres a few sweet words from one of those neo-con just a few short years ago:

"We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."
(see my little declaration in "About Me" at the top of this page.)

Oh, and the pic of Sarah campaigning with a "Vote Democratic donkey" scarf on. Was that just ignorance, or employee subterfuge? who knows, and who cares. It's been a hugely entertaining campaign. They have 1 week to turn it around.


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