Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Posting Slipping Away | Meet The Herpes Zoster "Shingles" Virus

This Just In: Post herpetic neuralgia sucks!
My posts have decreased from 2-3 a day to about 1 or so lately, probably even less. Not that the Internet crowds notice or care. This Blog from the very beginning has always been a hobby for me, and a way of sharing art, science, politics and other interests of mine. You might call it a mishmash journal. Certainly not close to an occupation like the A and B list Bloggers, my family would have starved long ago.

Being at work right now and still in some severe pain shows that "taking off" that work is not much of an option either.

While I'm here and cruising the Nets at lunch I wanted to throw up this micron photo of the little booger that's been kicking my ass. Ladies and germs meet the varicella zoster virus(shingles):

Photo: Here

It seems like this pain and nightmare has been ongoing forever but I checked the calender this morning and it hasn't even been a month yet since the onset of the shingles leading to this. Hopefully this sh*t will gradually be gone in the near future as it is with around 75% of people who contract PHN. Otherwise it's going the be the life-altering nightmare it is, and that I'm so afraid of.
On to your regular surfing. In chronic pain world I'll continue typing left-handed. Down With PHN!


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