Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Hold Sell Out Democrats(And Others) Accountable

There's a major new campaign aimed at holding Steny Hoyer, Jay Rockefeller and other Congressional sellouts to Bushco on telecom immunity and warrantless eavesdropping accountable. Here's DWT:

"Today we (our 1,850 donors) flew past the $100,000 mark and I suspect that by the time this is posted, we'll be closing in on $110,000. It doesn't matter if you're a Democrat or a Republican or an independent. This is about the Constitution and the rule of law and it goes beyond party-- way beyond. Please help us hold congressional leaders who sell us out and do violence to the Constitution accountable."
Help them out at ActBlue.

More at Glenn Greenwald's, Firedoglake, Crooks & Liars, and Digby.


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