Tuesday, June 17, 2008

UK Has Begun Logging In Robinson Forest

The University Of Kentucky wouldn't take no, or PLEASE NO, or protests to stop their logging of 800 acres near streams in the 15,000 pristine acres of Robinson Forest.

Photo: Charles Bertram, Lex. Her-Ldr.

They started logging this past week with heavy equipment and the usual logged earth churning. They could have went low impact and used old fashioned methods but apparently the whole idea is "heavy impact". According to UK it's not about the money for the lumber. It's about studying the impact on the streams.
Why you'd need 800 ACRES to study the impact I've not been clued in on. Why not 100 acres or 200? Looks like that's been left to the money people and the geniuses in the UK forestry "management" area.

Here's the Kentucky Heartwood web site to oppose the logging of Robinson forest.
Here's a contact page for all the University of Kentucky Board of trustees.


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