Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Scott McClellan Tells Us What We Already Knew

Bushco's former press secretary Scott McClellan joins the list of former insiders who amazingly find their conscience after leaving the compound and while shopping a book. I saw a review this morning on the Today Show and it's pretty much everything we in the "Reality Based Community" could have told you in 2003. The only thing I strenuously disagree with Scotty on is his pushing the idea that Bush's Iraq war was a massive blunder. It was to the world at large but to Bushco, I don't think so. Their corporate partners are still raking in massive profits, they're STILL looting the US treasury, everything being cut but the war machine.
Ignore Scott McClellan. It's to little, and Waaay to late.
Scotty that blood on your hands won't come off. You're forever a member of the war criminal administration.

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