Saturday, March 01, 2008

One More Thing

Before I go, here from Taylor Marsh is 100 reasons to vote for Hillary Clinton:

The top five:
Reason #1:
In Arkansas she was instrumental in straightening out their school system - taking it from one of the worst systems to a role model used by other troubled schools on how to improve public education.

Reason #2:
In 2006, she led the fight to kill the anti-gay Republican constitutional amendment that for the first time would have added laws to the Constitution that would INCREASE discrimination.

Reason #3:
After being pummeled by the public for trying to pass Universal Health care while she was First Lady, she dusted herself off and in 1997, led a federal effort that provided insurance support for children whose parents were unable to provide them with health coverage.

Reason #4:
She was able to secure a raise in research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health.

Reason #5:
She initiated the Adoption and Safe Families Act.





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