Sunday, November 04, 2007

The Wing-nuttiest Post Contest

I've seen this at a few other sites today. Kevin Drum has a contest up for the top five wingnuttiest Blog posts. It's certainly deserving of the scant few extra visitors I can give it.


A century from now, even the very best blog posts will be long forgotten. Let's face it: they aren't that good. But bad blog posts will still be every bit as bad as they were on the day they were spawned. They'll endure. So really, we're doing this for the children. And the grandchildren.

Of course this contest means you actually have to read the competing wingnut Blog posts and make it back sanity intact and vote your top five. I won't give you my picks. They're all wonderful examples of the Kool-aide drinking alternate universe mind set of the wingnuts we all know and love.


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