Thursday, July 12, 2007

Surprise, More Hypocritical, Anti-moral Republicans

The party that loves to preach, loves to stray apparently. They're like minks.

Sen. David Vitter, R-La. Apparently it's not the moral crusading Senator's first fling with prostitutes.

Thanks to Hillbilly Report for the link, here's his theme song:

"Well now more problems with this Vitter guy. You gotta go on his website, he's like Mr. Religious, Mr. Family Values. Well now a second madam has come forward and told the Associated Press that he was also a customer at her brothel. This guy was cheating on his hooker with another hooker."
--Jay Leno

And of course there's State Representative Bob Allen (R-FL), who apparently offered an undercover male police officer money to let him(Allen) perform oral sex on him.

The straighter and more sanctimonious these people are, the more perverted they are.




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