Sunday, December 24, 2006

Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays to Bill O'Really, and everyone! As anyone stopping by my little domicile here in Blogtopia will notice I haven't posted much at all in the last few days. It's been very hectic. I don't know how people get done all they do during the Christmas season. We're leaving today around 3pm to spend it with relatives of the Mrs. Dean and won't be back till Tuesday evening.
It'll be at least around the middle of the week before I post again. No computer where I'm going and no Internet if there was one. Since you are reading this you're here(for the moment) so mi casa, su casa. Look around, watch a few of the videos,read some.
I hope your Christmas and Holidays are Great ones no matter your religion, the Winter solstice was an ancient festival and celebration long before there was even a legend called Christ. Be good to all and stay safe
If you're looking for more recent posts from good sites try Firedoglake, Americablog, Hullabaloo, and of course there's always Dailykos, Atrios and ol' Bartcop who got me through some tough times around 2001 or so. Check them out and any of the other good sites to the right. Give to some of them this holiday season if you can. Some of these Bloggers actually do this for a living. So throw a buck or two to any, or all of them, especially digby, or Shakespeare's Sister could use some love, and of course Suburban Guerilla is another good cause. They're all very worthy. Me, I'd starve to death if I did this for a living, but I have another kind of full time job so it's okay. Not that I'd turn down a nice laptop(Hi Michael Dell!).
Well time to load presents and bags. Feliz Navidad! I'll be watching A Christmas Story tonight!

I'll also try to catch my favorite Christmas Carol the 1951 version with Alistair Sim as Scrooge. A story that's basically about a miserly Republican who overnight is turned into a loving generous Liberal. BOO-YAH!
Here's Bob Geiger's cartoons. Check them out.
See you about the middle of the week.

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