Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Where Negroponte Goes Death Squads Grow

Related point on the previous post. Remember John "death squads" Negroponte appointed by Bushco as ambassador to Iraq? A perfect example of the banality of evil as you'll find. You can be sure the Hondurans remember ol' Mister Death Squads. The Iraqis are being taught who and what he is these days.

The Nightmare Continues: From Central
America to Iraq

...A UN human rights report released September last year held interior ministry forces responsible for an organised campaign of detentions, torture and killings. It reported that special police commando units accused of carrying out the killings were recruited from Shia Badr and Mehdi militias, and trained by U.S. forces.
Retired Col. James Steele, who served as advisor on Iraqi security forces to then U.S. Ambassador John Negroponte supervised the training of these forces.
Steele was commander of the U.S. military advisor group in El Salvador 1984-86, while Negroponte was U.S. ambassador to nearby Honduras 1981-85. Negroponte was accused of widespread human rights violations by the Honduras Commission on Human Rights in 1994. The Commission reported the torture and disappearance of at least 184 political workers...


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