Saturday, September 18, 2010

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth Now Has Political Action Committee

This is good news to everyone that wants more input from the cleaner alternatives to coal side of the energy debate.

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth forms political action committee

"..Long out-gunned by the Kentucky coal industry's political connections, the non-profit group Kentuckians for the Commonwealth said Friday it has created a new political action committee focused on coal and energy.

Leaders acknowledged that they won't be able to match coal industry money flowing into election campaigns, but the New Power PAC will start with $100,000 of seed money from KFTC dues, Communications Director Jerry Hardt said.

"We don't have a dorm named after us or anything like that," said Megan Naseman, of Richmond, a KFTC steering committee member, referring to the University of Kentucky decision to build Wildcat Coal Lodge, funded with $7 million raised by a group spearheaded by Alliance Coal President Joe Craft.."
-Dori Hjalmarson -

Kentuckians for the Commonwealth


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