Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bigot and Homophobe Pastor Rick Warren to Give Invocation at Obama Inaugeration

I think Digby says it best for me in this crazy divisive selection:

I've been writing for a long time about the Religious Industrial Complex and how they hope to end the culture war by marginalizing pro-choice and pro gay rights voices within both parties. They've entirely succeeded with the Republicans and have now turned their attention to the Democrats. It just took a giant step forward with the announcement that Obama has invited Christian Right leader Rick Warren to give the invocation at the inauguration.

..Obama is validating the views of the Christian Right and they may very well be moved enough by that to become Democrats. But it naturally follows that in order to keep their votes, the Democrats would have to honor their agenda and views --- the evangelicals are big voting bloc and if the Democrats become the social conservative party, they could count on their votes for sure. (If they don't make substantial moves toward social conservatism, this won't work, obviously.) It doesn't leave much room for liberals, but perhaps that's a good thing. They are nothing but trouble, defending women's civil liberties, agitating for gay rights and hectoring the government about not torturing and starting wars and all that. It would be a big relief if they didn't need them.."

Here's the rich evangelist himself:

And here's Hilary Rosen last night on Anderson Cooper:

Obama kicks Liberals, gays and moderates in the face in order to please Christian rightwingers who are about as far from the teachings of the real Jesus as you can get. I'm somewhat not surprised.


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