Sunday, April 20, 2008

The Joy Of The Psuedo-Liberal Newspaper

I sat down this morning to read my local dead tree paper The Lexington Herald-Leader. Now if you live anywhere near here you're used to hearing the occasional alternate universe wingnut growling about "that Herald-Liberal rag". You know the same ones who cry about the "Liberal Media" while they get their news from FauxFOX, CNN, ABC(the Sean Hannity debate network) , etc. Anyway there I sat with my coffee to round out the news with some in depth analysis from the columnists.
Sunday's the one day of the week that I actually read the H-L National News section. To much of a corporate bipartisan hack-fest the rest of the week. Actually the same on Sundays but I do try to wade through it today if only for tradition. So I skim their National News and then go to the columnists.
I've told conservatoids that I wish it were Liberal, just like I wish CNN(etal.) were Liberal. Why(they say)? Because if they were, "I'd watch them, I'd watch them every damn day!"
My original point and the gist of this rant. The "Herald-Liberals" columnists for my Sunday pleasure.:

John Stossel- Libertarian, corporate Ho, corporate hack, all around "Dick".
Maureen Dowd- Corporate hack, Media Ho, hater of Democrats.
Cal Thomas- Religion Troll, wingnut.
Mona Charon- Her name describes her politics, hardcore wingnut.
Eugene Robinson- I don't know what Mr. Robinson's politics are. He's a black man so I assume at worst that he's right leaning Democrat.

There you have it my Sunday morning reading pleasure. Since I only scanned the headlines I didn't have to read any further so I got to the breakfast table earlier, so there's that. There's a few local columnists such as Larry Dale Keeling, etc. that I like sometimes, but rarely a Liberal, or someone I(a Liberal) see as a Liberal voice in the pages of that "Herald-Liberal". More's the pity.


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