Monday, April 28, 2008

Elizabeth Edwards | Bowling 1, Health Care 0

Elizabeth Edwards has an excellent article in the NYTimes about the vapidness and uselessness of the corporate news media's coverage of the Presidential campaign. Her article appears along with a Maureen Dowd piece of fluff which is(as always) a perfect example of Edward's point. Go read:

"The problem today unfortunately is that voters who take their responsibility to be informed seriously enough to search out information about the candidates are finding it harder and harder to do so, particularly if they do not have access to the Internet.

Did you, for example, ever know a single fact about Joe Biden’s health care plan? Anything at all? But let me guess, you know Barack Obama’s bowling score. We are choosing a president, the next leader of the free world. We are not buying soap, and we are not choosing a court clerk with primarily administrative duties."

Thanks to Dailyhowler for the link.


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