Friday, February 08, 2008

Discovery Channel Eagerly Destroys Myth Of "The Liberal Media"

I took the day off with my sick daughter. Checking into the ol' Blog mainly as a link to others to find out how badly the Dems caved on that "Stimulus Bill". I assume that they(just like with FISA)rolled over for Bushco like scolded hounds. Harry Reid was on CSpan this morning talking about how they'd reached a "bi-partisan" deal, and we all know what that means with Dems in Congress don't we? I assume they'll be borrowing more money from China for that stimulus. You know just like I'm always borrowing money to pay off my bills and get myself out of debt..and... That's always a good
Anyway! Here's something nice(and not surprising) in a corporate-tastic kinda way. It seems the Discovery Channel has decided it's better to censure the Bushco years from those pesky things like truth, torture and not rock that corporate bootlicking boat. Joining with the elite myth makers at ABC(The Path To 9-11), NBC("Mann" Coulter's Fav), Faux News and the rest of our "Liberal Media". That Dang truth has such a "Liberal" bias.


Discovery Channel Drops Plans To Air ‘Taxi To The Dark Side’ Because It Is Too ‘Controversial’

Taxi to the Dark Side, a documentary about an innocent Afghan taxi driver tortured to death by U.S. officials at Bagram Air Base, has received wide critical acclaim since its debut in April at the Tribeca Film Festival. The New York Times’s A.O. Scott said, “If recent American history is ever going to be discussed with the necessary clarity and ethical rigor, this film will be essential.”
Director Alex Gibney agreed to sell the rights of Taxi to the Discovery Channel because executives convinced him they would “give the film a prominent broadcast.” Now, however, Discovery has dropped its plans to air the documentary because the film is too controversial.

The Discovery Channel: My winner of The Weekly Corporate Toady Award.

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