Sunday, November 11, 2007

Back on Blog

We went to the country over the weekend and got back early this evening. No access while I'm gone and believe me I miss my internets. I'm not a prolific Blogger anyway but throw up a few a day as I have the time. I hope anyone coming by has had a great weekend. I hope dubya and company has had a crappy weekend. I've reached the conclusion if it's bad for Bushco it's good for the country. Anyway everything's put away here, we've had a nice dinner and everyone's settled in. So 'ello Blog, I'm off to catch up on the(progressive) news. Meanwhile go read Digby:

"..If someone were to have asked you ten years ago what countries in the world had a doctrine of preventive war and used it to invade a country on false pretenses, spied on its own citizens, held people in jail indefinitely without due process and routinely tortured suspected enemies of the state, would you have ever believed the United States Of America was among them?.."

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