Thursday, October 11, 2007

New Orleans | Desolation And Bushco Cronyism

The Rude Pundit is x-rated but completely right, Bushco gang doesn't even try to hide the corruption and cronyism anymore. Why should they? The corporate info-tainment's job is to muddy the waters(no pun intended). Brace yourself and read the Pundit:


"..See, not only might the pumps not work, but the contract for the pumps went to Moving Water Industries, a Florida corporation. The owner of MWI is J. David Eller. Eller was once a business partner of Jeb Bush, you know, the former governor of Florida who happens to be the President's brother. Bush-El, as their company was known, marketed water pumps overseas. Eller has donated over $140,000 to Republican candidates over the last 15 years. The contract had a $5 million "incentive" to do the work quickly.."


Kind of reminds me of when harpy Bush mama Barbara gave money to New Orleans but she ear-marked it so it could only be spent on educational items sold by her son Neil. Of course there's always her compassionate remarks about the victims:
"And so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this - this is working very well for them."

That old Urban legend of the Bushies being shape-shifting alien reptiles makes some sense but it's just to easy.


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