Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Blackwater Mercenaries, Corporate News

I caught the Brian Williams NBC(GE) "spin" on that Blackwater Congressional investigation story this evening. I managed to watch the whole report, and even restrained myself from talking back at the tv(the wife was asleep on the couch). Of course there was no previous Blackwater history mentioned, just this latest incident, and no real history of Eric Prince(and here) who started it and still runs it, or his father Edgar Prince, no mention of Blackwater in New Orleans. Just standard corporate "he said, she said" journamalism. It looks like Brian Williams and NBC(GE) are giving "former Navy Seal" Eric Prince that old media creation "The serious warrior type". America will just love it! Just like they did the one before this with that good ol' boy Bob Murray. The thing that still amazes me is the convoluted "News" media names for these guys, "private security guard companies" is the best. What happened to "mercenaries", that's a good short word for these guys and what they do. They're a well paid private army in Iraq(& elsewhere). I believe the word mercenary became passe about the time the US Government(Ssssh..Bushco) started hiring them. You know it would be REALLY great if Congress can do better job reining in Prince/Blackwater than they have Bush/Cheney. It'd be great if they could rein in anybody-we'll see. This will disappear from the media lens in a few days, after Brian and company have muddied the waters like they're so good at.
I also saw in the paper this morning(and NBC did mention) that The FBI is "investigating" Blackwater. Now let me guess the results of that right now, some minor infractions, fines, a few flunkies punished, voilla!
Blackwater along with Enron are the top two corporations giving Bush the distinction of being the most crony riddled in history. Anyway, it's only more degredation and horror from Bush's Iraq. Well I'm off to watch "The War", I think it's the last night of it. So this can wait.

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