Tuesday, May 15, 2007

MSNBC Says .gov or .org | Who Cares?

This is hilarious. I had to take a break from work to throw it up here. Concerning Jerry Falwell's trip into sainthood by our MSM, Contessa Brewer of MSNBC just quoted whitehouse.org(a satire site) instead of whitehouse.gov(Bushco whitehouse).
Contessa Brewer (speaking to Chris Matthews):

You're looking at a guy - Jerry Falwell - who had a lot of influence on the current President, even now. One of my producers, Chris, just pulled up a page from whitehouse.org where they say "Jerry Falwell has earned his role as the de facto executive director of domestic and global policy for the White House." How much influence did he have on George W. Bush?

Thanks to Duncan and Article 19
Video here.

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