Monday, February 05, 2007

That Boston cartoon "Terror" Attack

There is a bit of common sense out there regarding that Boston "terror" scare a while back. Go to Boingboing or here, or here for example. Just please, as always DON'T get all your news from corporate tv and newspapers.
As in many things regarding our "News" Media from Boston's HUGE overreaction to dubya's Iraq attack the picture below gives excellent advice.


"I suppose it was inevitable that someday the pop culture gap would result in an entire city being shut down and the “perps” being frog marched into some Homeland Security gulag, but I had always hoped it would be a second- or third-rate hee-haw flyover city, not Boston.

Because what happened here was an embarrassment. Turner Broadcasting launched this marketing stunt in 10 cities and we were the only one that reacted like this. Some people are saying it’s to our credit that we’re so “observant,” but I have a hard time believing that any serious person could say that with a straight face. Plus the devices have been up for three weeks before we even noticed.

Next, let’s all get out our dictionary and look up “hoax”, shall we? Because while “War of the Worlds” was a hoax, this was not. There was no subterfuge involved, and no effort made to convince people that these devices were bombs. If I see a scary looking tree out my bedroom window, think it’s a monster, and then discover upon closer inspection that it isn’t, it doesn’t mean the tree has perpetrated a hoax against me. What it means is that for a moment I took leave of my senses. And just because I’m embarrassed about it doesn’t give me the right to go cut down the tree.

But that’s what our Mayor—who is often at his absolute worst in situations like this—is looking to do. Two kids who put the devices up have been arrested and are facing charges of placing a hoax device in a way that causes panic and disorderly conduct—charges that carry up to five years in prison.

But that’s not enough. The mayor also wants the half-mil the city blew thwarting the attack yesterday reimbursed by Turner Broadcasting and said he plans to push the FCC to revoke Turner’s broadcasting license, even though Turner—which owns TBS, TNT, CNN and Cartoon Network—is a cable provider and therefore not under the jurisdiction of the FCC.



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