Friday, September 01, 2006

Today's Bushco Document Dump?

This is an excellent question from lambert at Corrente. A three day weekend, a distracted media(as usual), perfect time for Bushco to dump bad news into the public cycle.

What will the 5:00 document dump be today?
I’m betting it will be a doozy. Odiferous. A real real steaming load. Remember the 5:00 Horror
? In the first few years, the incredibly disciplined Bush administration released bad news regularly at 5:00 on Fridays—until either they figured out people were on to the scam, or there was so much bad news they just decided not to bother.
Anyhow, today in six hours we’ll have a triple witching hour:
1. 5:00PM (EST)
2. on a Friday
3. before a long weekend
so I’d imagine they’ve been saving up something very special for us.
My guess would be
the list of beneficiaries for $450 million in “meritorious iniatives” under the Softwood Lumber agreement—Can you say “slush fund”? I thought you could—since the due date for that is, erm, today.


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