Thursday, September 07, 2006

Disney/ABC's fictional 9-11 Drama continues

Apparently Disney/ABC's rewriting of history in their 9-11 story was sent out for pre-view to Rush Limbaugh, Rightwing bloggers and a host of other conservative-borgs/"journalists" but not to one Liberal/Progressive citizen. The best part? With all the smearing in this piece of fiction of the Clinton administration, guess who didn't get to preview it? That's right! Former President Bill Clinton, Madeliene Albright, Sandy Berger all requested copies and were refused.

Sorry Mister President no copy for you!
Go to Eschaton, FDL, Think Progress and many fine Democratic/Progressive Blogs
Update: Faux News does a puff piece on it. You know what that means.
Write ABC and tell them to tell the truth about 9/11.

Here's a new Blog with the latest updates on this travesty.


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