Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Al Gore still bringing-"wingnuts out of the woodwork"

"Wingnuts out of the Woodwork", I love the sounds of that.

"As you're already aware, Al Gore's new movie on climate change, An Inconvenient Truth, is being released this week. It should come as no surprise that it's bringing the wingnuts out of the woodwork.
A few weeks ago I did an interview with Gore about the movie. He shared some insights on how it was made and the strategies he uses to get past people's ignorance and apathy. Last week, the Cato Institute's Patrick Michaels appeared on FOX's Hannity & That Other Guy. He lifted a quote from the interview out of context, twisted its meaning, and used it to smear Gore. I wrote to FOX and Michaels to correct the record. (See also Media Matters and News Hounds.) Suffice to say, Michaels has not retracted or apologized."
David Roberts, Grist Magazine, From BoingBoing

This weeks video of the week is a presentation on climate change by Al Gore. The reason i like this is because its slick, he makes his points well while actually looking like its an issue he cares about.
--Calvin Jones, Climate Change Action


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