Saturday, February 11, 2006

Commander-Cod-Piece, I mean Commander-Coo-Coo-Bananas, I mean Commander-In, Oh forget it!

Go to Dailykos for this whole article and it's imbedded links.
by georgia10

The blood they bleed is the blood of heroes. The men and women of our armed forces put their lives on the line for this country, and in doing so they earn our lifelong respect. Democrats realize that as a nation, we are indebted to those who are willing to die in its name. Republicans, on the other hand, don't understand the concept of being indebted to a soldier's sacrifice. Indebted to lobbyists for filling their campaign coffers? They understand that perfectly. Indebted to the families of those who return from battle in coffins? Never.

The President's 2007 Budget boasts a 7% increase in defense spending, with billions poured into military operations overseas and programs here at home. You would assume that this President who prides himself on being a "War President" would take care of the thousands of men and women who fight that war for him, under his command. Instead, this Commander-in-Thief has sneaked in when the world is distracted by the faux outrage over funeral politics and the latest propaganda du jour, and he has robbed our heroes of what they earned the second they put on a United States uniform. Bush's defense budget proves that there isn't a yellow ribbon big enough to cover the huge, gaping wound that will form as a result of his cuts in troop benefits.

The military's health care program, TRICARE, supports some 9.2 million beneficiaries. Veterans from wars too soon forgotten depend on the program. From military families who have buried their husbands or wives, to those who dread a call in the middle of the night about those who currently serve, the program is designed to take care of those families--our families. First, Bush's plan would eventually cause some 600,000 retirees to be dropped from the military's healthcare program. Bush's budget also makes across-the-board premium increases to TRICARE retirees under the age of 65. Veterans will see an increase of 41% for single or family coverage within two years; senior enlisted and officer retirees will see increases of up to 204%. By 2009, healthcare premiums for our veterans will TRIPLE. (See PDF of TRICARE fee increases here).

Can our veterans afford it? Bush's budget also gives the military the smallest pay increase since 1994--a paltry 2.2%. The CEO President is clearly applying a Wal-Martesque framework to our national defense: rip off the ones doing the work because all that matters is that bottom line, right? That big, fat, bottom line.

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